


Listen to solid information in these free mp3s... Click on a title.

How can you help your child polish her social skills so she's more successful in finding and keeping playmates? What can you do if your child has special challenges that make being friends even more difficult? Find out how you can bridge the gap for your child between her social skills now and the sorts of social skills her agemates expect.
It's all right here in this special conversation, especially for parents of preschoolers, elementary-grade children and middle school kids.

You might be wondering about the way your child talks. It used to be cute, the way he substitutes one sound for another, but maybe it's gone on too long. Is this a speech problem, not just a funny quirk? Are there things you should be doing to help your child talk better?
Find out what you need to know about how speech develops, common pronunciation problems, and less-common issues like stuttering. Discover what you should do and what you definitely should NOT do.

Not getting enough sleep? Starting to wonder if you ever will? 
Get the facts about infant sleep patterns and find some strategies for managing sleep issues in ways you can feel good about.

It doesn't take long for parents to start to wonder if they should "nip this behavior in the bud." 

So how can you start to shape your child's behavior in ways that won't squelch his spirit? Get some great ideas here.

More podcasts coming... check back often!